Academic Position and Education

WS 2022-23 Visiting Professor at the University of Graz (Austria).


2022 Habilitiation degree for the subject "Philosophy" at the University of Wien (University Gazette issued on 1.12.2022)


2019-2025 Research Assistant at the University of Wien (Austria).


2016-2019. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (FWF) at the University of Graz (Austria).


SS 2016 - Lecturer at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.


2015. In Italy: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale in Storia della filosofia (11/C5) Seconda fascia (DD n. 161/2013).


2013-2016. Postdoctoral Research Fellow (FWF) at the University of Graz (Austria).


WS 2012-13. Lecturer at the Universität Trier.


SS 2011. Ph.D. in Philosophy at the University of Trier (Germany) (summa cum laude). Supervisor: Prof. Bernd Dörflinger.


SS 2009. Lecturer at the Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz.


2003-2006. Lecturer at the Philipps Universität Marburg.


2001-2004. Specialization years in Kant and Modern Philosophy (Grant from the DAAD). Supervisor: Prof. Reinhard Brandt.


1993-1995 and 1997-1998. Specialization years in French Contemporary Philosophy at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris).  Supervisor: Jacques Derrida.


1991-1996. Philosophy-studies at the University of Milan (Università degli Studi di Milano). Final exam (esame di laurea in filosofia). Final vote: 110 / 110 with distinction. Supervisors: Prof. Maurizio Ferraris and Prof. Elio Franzini.


1985-1990. High School Student at the Liceo Classico Statale Paolo Sarpi (Bergamo) (Classical languages: Latin and Greek).


  Honours and Awards

  IGZ Publikationspreis 2012 (2. Platz). Auszeichnung für   besondere Publikationsleistungen während der Promotionsphase.   Verliehen vom Internationalen Graduiertenzentrum der Universität Trier.



• 2000-2002: DAAD: Kants Philosophie der Notwendigkeit (in Marburg an der Lahn by Prof. Reinhardt Brandt).

• 2012: Verwertungsgesellschaft WORT. Veröffentlichung der Monographie: Die Postulate des empirischen Denkens überhaupt. (Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter).

• 2014 (with Udo Thiel): Fritz Thyssen Stiftung: Immanuel Kant: Die Einheit des Bewusstseins (2017).

• 2014-2018 (with Udo Thiel): Land Steiermark. Finanzierung: Kant in Graz.

• 2017-2020 (with Udo Thiel): FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung): The Enlightened Subject: Sameness and Self from Condillac to Reinhold.


 Service to the profession

Referee for Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.

Referee for Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie.

Referee for Studi Kantiani.

Referee for British Journal for the History of Philosophy.

Referee for Kant Studies Online.


  Membership of professional organizations

Member of the Kant-Gesellschaft

Member of the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani

Member of the Société d’Etudes Kantiennes de Langue Française (SEKLF)

Member of the Groupe de travail sur la philosophie allemande au XVIIIième siècle